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Entertaining Angels : James Twyman

컨텐츠 정보


Entertaining Angels




A song written by James Twyman to accompany his book "Love, God, and the Art of French Cooking." Twyman is an internationally renowned author and musician, also known as The Peace Troubadour, who has made a reputation for himself traveling to areas of war and conflict to share his message of peace. He has written 15 books, two of which are NY Times bestsellers, and has produced or directed four feature films.


James Twyman이 쓴 "Love, God, and French Cooking"이라는 책에 동행했습니다. Twyman은 국제적으로 유명한 작가이자 음악가로 평화와 평화의 메시지를 나누기 위해 전쟁과 분쟁 지역으로 여행하는 명성을 얻었습니다. 그는 15 권의 책을 저술했으며 그 중 2 권은 NY Times의 베스트 셀러이며 4 편의 장편 영화를 제작하거나 감독했습니다.


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